Healthy Living Poster Contest

Utilizing the arts to promote healthy eating and living in the community.

Healthy Living Poster 2018.jpg
Healthy Living Poster Contest 2019 Updated 6.18.19.jpg

UPDATE: The Make Health Happen Poster Contest for 2021 has been suspended as we re-prioritize our efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check back for updates for future ways we hope to work with the arts and East St. Louis youth!

Make Health Happen ESTL has proudly held the Healthy Living Poster Contest in 2018 and 2019, featuring artwork created by students from East St. Louis School District 189 students in grades K-12.


Create an original and creative poster that promotes the benefits of one of these topics! Being physically active or eating healthy foods. Unsure of how to start? Use one of the prompts below to consider how healthy living impacts your life:

  • Illustrate a favorite memory of a healthy activity you did with a loved one (older sibling, friend, parent/grandparent) - cooking a meal, riding bikes, etc.

  • Draw a still life of your favorite fruits or vegetables - consider a design as fresh produce OR as a plated meal!

  • Paint an item that symbolizes your favorite healthy activity: worn tennis shoes, baseball hat and uniform, etc.

We’d love to see what you make! Tag us on Facebook @MakeHealthHappenESTL.


The Healthy Living Poster Contest in the Community

Jackie with Poster.jpg
MHH Poster1.jpg